Sorry I’m in a bad mood 😡
Have your milk and take a nap then lil bro
volleyball or tennis?
Bro I thought u started SR did u already fail
Have your milk and take a nap then lil bro
Thanks dad I will I apologize for my snappy attitude 😔
Bro I thought u started SR did u already fail
Honestly I never started bro… but dead ass I’m starting today that’s a promise 🤞🏽😤
I used to love soccer chicks
My first gf played soccer in hs
Sorry I’m in a bad mood 😡
Watch the GTA trailer again. Lift your spirit
Who has the time to sit and think this
How long do you think it takes to think of it lol
Honestly I never started bro… but dead ass I’m starting today that’s a promise 🤞🏽😤
Lemme know if u need any tips bruh this s*** life changing women no longer have mind control over me
Lemme know if u need any tips bruh this s*** life changing women no longer have mind control over me
Honestly that's definitely something I've been actively working on. Like not letting women sway me in any way and just standing ten toes on who I really am
These girls really out here honing their craft, growing at a substantial rate, dedicating their lives to these sports in ways you can't imagine and you're more concerned about their s***appeal? dawg
Honestly that's definitely something I've been actively working on. Like not letting women sway me in any way and just standing ten toes on who I really am
I’m telling u bro this s*** changes ur gonna be a beast man, last night I rejected p**** and I wasn’t even trying literally this girl was throwing herself at me and I was stone cold indifferent the whole time I had true power over her like that’s the only things these hoes offer and when u call them out on it they don’t even deny it
I’m telling u bro this s*** changes ur gonna be a beast man, last night I rejected p**** and I wasn’t even trying literally this girl was throwing herself at me and I was stone cold indifferent the whole time I had true power over her like that’s the only things these hoes offer and when u call them out on it they don’t even deny it
Rejecting p**** is literally the most boss s*** you can do, im about to reject some p**** soon 😈🤞
were you at the club or something??
Bro once u realize how special and powerful ur c***is ur gonna feel so guilty every time u c**
Rejecting p**** is literally the most boss s*** you can do, im about to reject some p**** soon 😈🤞
were you at the club or something??
Nah it was a home girl we was just chilling and she was like leaning on me and s*** tryna grab my attention, I didn’t give no f***s I was literally whole thinking wow women are funny and not to be too cocky but just felt so much superior to her