CIA won
They got niggas hooked on funky galaxy tire pump gas
Niggas been doing whippets lol I worked at an ice cream place and I have heard stories at starbucks
any place there is nitrous people been hitting them tanks
Candyflipping on a blue pill tho only did it once but it’s still the greatest experience/feeling ever
Ohhhhh 100mg hour before the set, another 100mg when the set starts
I'm such a lightweight lol it would be 50mg an hour before, 50mg at the start for me, but the person I usually roll with would back you up.
I only roll once every 2-3 months though so it hits like a truck when I go back to it.
No, whippets been around for crash out yts, since they aged out of there child prescription adhd care
5htp and OJ before inducing, hydrate during, heavy protein the day after raise your serotonin back to level, everything is bliss
gotta use science to combat science, especially psychedelics
Ive had 5htp during, next time i roll ill try your method cheers
Deep carti voice sounding sus now
5htp and OJ before inducing, hydrate during, heavy protein the day after raise your serotonin back to level, everything is bliss
gotta use science to combat science, especially psychedelics
I thought taking 5htp before was bad because u could get serotonin syndrome? I always heard to take it after
I thought taking 5htp before was bad because u could get serotonin syndrome? I always heard to take it after
yeah not supposed to take 5htp during it for that reason. also for supplements magnesium before and during as needed for jaw clenching and teeth grinding, 100% improves the roll doesn’t matter what kind of Mg as long as not Mg oxide (least bioavailable form), alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-carnitine to help reduce neurotoxicity.
Everything here is a good addition too
Bruh istg gen z "aged out" of s*** waaayy faster than other generations.
Like the gap between older gen z to young gen z/ gen alpha is insanely large. i was born in 1998 and feel like i dont know what tf goin on anymore not complaining either, these niggas out here doing fent and whippets.
just feels weird to think "ahh my d*** days are over, good times" like im 45 years old