UPDATE: WH acknowledges that "Havana Syndrome" has now affected domestic staffers in the US
biden left the toaster on again
Uh, actually we're under threat from magic in Cuba and now domestically. Raise the threat level, fly in troops. Believe us!
@MysteryMachine you did this?
Yes because the people who made the Hiroshima decision are still around today!
You are very smart
Weird. This happened a lot last year too.
Yes because the people who made the Hiroshima decision are still around today!
You are very smart
i know they are not around s*** head
@KanyesBills farted
Weird. This happened a lot last year too.
Good, f*** Joe Biden for his bullshit presidential motorcade making my commute home take an additional 45 minutes cause he cant stand to see normal people when he rides