And fights have happened in the past for a nigga running they mouth about s*** too hot to put in a battle
"Look at you, emotionel"
look man theres no reason for any race to use it but it's obviously worse when another one uses it. whether you meant to be racist or not is not the point. you said something you shouldn't have said.
Punching people over a word is a slippery slope. But 13 year olds on this website have no actual life experience so not shocked that it’s being supported.
"Look at you, emotionel"
True, still happens. S*** was funny when charron tried to rebuttal being punched
That promotes clown behavior though lol. I just feel like Battle Rap is a niche in the culture at this point. Few people that get into hip hop and rapping really do that anymore. It used to be common to talk about battles and battle with people
Battle rap as a whole doesn’t promote clown behavior tho theres a few that do and when people outside the culture find out about it threads like this get made. Most people that get into hip hop and rapping today are only here because it’s the most popular genre not because they actually love it. Not saying everyone has to battle or care about battle rapping but that’s the outcome of hip hop being huge. The people that just love hip hop tend to check in when something big happens like a big Lux, Mook, Surf, Hitman, etc. battle.
It's a rap battle, you are suppose to give the person a blatant reason to punch you
Not really people are just trying come up with the best material. People still take the disrespectful route but that’s even done with care because these niggas are friends bts and it be real street niggas in battle rap and everything won’t go like an 8 Mile scene.
That @Numb dude was sucking Drake's d*** and calling Ye stans WOAT in another thread a few hours ago
Why am I not surprised
tbh, if you can't take a strike below the belt f***ing stay away from battle rap, not saying that dropping the n word is good but dude's tripping for hitting him straight away, sensitive dude not cut out for a battle
I blame Kanye for this s***. How can you come on a website dedicated to a black man and start screaming this kind of bullshit rhetoric?
I blame Kanye for this s***. How can you come on a website dedicated to a black man and start screaming this kind of bullshit rhetoric?
Kanye is a genius
yeah if i was black i definitely don’t want any white dude saying i am “their nigga”
yknow there was this point in time when white people literally owned black ppl, you might’ve heard about it
whats up my cac?
tbh, if you can't take a strike below the belt f***ing stay away from battle rap, not saying that dropping the n word is good but dude's tripping for hitting him straight away, sensitive dude not cut out for a battle
I remember being in highschool and a white kid said it during a battle and my homie legitimately picked him up and threw him out. As a white guy in that situation you just gotta know your place.