carti over this beat wouldve been nuts
especially the switch up
jetson leaked another one !
the theory is he drops before the NA leg of the tour (dec/jan)
Hopefully man nobody wants to buy tickets to hear WLR for the 30th time
bro stop
just leave him alone
edit: nevermind i heard that s*** with earphones
I’m hearing Rocky got Carti for a 7 Album deal no wonder he put a baby in iggy that was revenge
tryna get down leaked a while ago?? need a wlr v1/2/3 comp fr hit my messages
just the instrumental
I’m hearing Rocky got Carti for a 7 Album deal no wonder he put a baby in iggy that was revenge
source: look into my eyes
He’s with Ye
Ye and Carti the two kings of dropping music on time as announced