different day/to the moon
top 3 MUSIC era carti loosies
I AM COWARD out now
this mustve been the song that was recorded after carti n bladee snorted coke off mitch modes caillou ass head in the cave
wait what song was i talm bout lmao
dam u didnt f*** with eviljordan?
It's cool the but other 3 are just on another level
When he started his run with those I believed he might actually be music
This s*** really tonight after years of pain
Holy f*** PB just randomly reposted Carti on her finsta
This s*** deadass dropping tn lmao who wouldvt thought. Dude waited until the absolute last minute. 😭😭
This thread just gonna be eternally bumped every Thursday
dude asked 2024 or january and didnt do either
Holy f*** PB just randomly reposted Carti on her finsta
This s*** deadass dropping tn lmao who wouldvt thought. Dude waited until the absolute last minute. 😭😭
Holy f*** PB just randomly reposted Carti on her finsta
This s*** deadass dropping tn lmao who wouldvt thought. Dude waited until the absolute last minute. 😭😭
he stealing yo swag @whoababy26
dude asked 2024 or january and didnt do either
It the “whenever you feel like it” dude that ruined it
different day/to the moon
top 3 MUSIC era carti loosies
Why did everyone keep saying Different Day was called “Ur The Moon” like where did that title get mentioned
Why did everyone keep saying Different Day was called “Ur The Moon” like where did that title get mentioned
I briefly called it that and I don’t even know
If I recall correctly it was originally only on his ig, not even his YouTube, so there was no official name for a minute