hm.... im down, it does feel right // will have headphones ready
actual news?
I’m happy yall got a release date leave me alone . I @ the mods because if I clap back I’m the one muted not the one they let call me schizophrenic whole time it’s a racist white boy
can anyone explain what this means to a nigga who aint been keepin up // 6 more hours ?
He doesn't have to refund anything. The 6 month window is just the eligibility period for pre-order sales to count on Billboard. If the album drops after March 12th, then all of the pre-order sales made before then just won't count towards the album's first week sales. But that has nothing to do with refunds at all. That decision will be entirely up to him and his team.
He tried to say "run" surely
Kill yourself don't quote me anymore your mother is Margaret Dunn she lives in Detroit
On your life it is dropping
Carti PLZ delay that s***!!!
I can hear it
Can you hear the music Oppenheimer
Kill yourself don't quote me anymore your mother is Margaret Dunn she lives in Detroit
Reported, enjoy ban☺️
@Beautiful_Morning get this freak outta here he literally comes in here just to threaten people for the millionth time we just want the MUSIC
Condom Eyes is the villian ktt needs but doesnt want
Hope he doesnt get banned
oh yea// he aint droppin tonight
so we get refunds ?
The refunds thing is misinformation that keeps being spread on Twitter.
The “6-month window” thing only applies to what sales will and will not count for the album. Billboard has a rule that all pre-orders must ship within 6 months of the first pre-order availability date, otherwise they will not count.
There will be no refunds given unless the entire album is scrapped altogether and shelved, or unless you contact the support team directly to cancel your order and have it refunded
Enjoy the rest of your life
Casio watch? :pog
Take my shirt off hoes stop breating😅💯
RW method 🤫
Enjoy the rest of your life
You got a lil dookie stain in them drawers?