VIBE CONCEPT: you in the car with Ken lone n carti otw to mitch mode house. You heard Abel (the weeknd) is throwing a party. You’re nodding off and offer carti a cig. U both spark ts and listen to F1lthy beats 😂😂😂 what a time that would be
VIBE CONCEPT: you in the car with Ken lone n carti otw to mitch mode house. You heard Abel (the weeknd) is throwing a party. You’re nodding off and offer carti a cig. U both spark ts and listen to F1lthy beats 😂😂😂 what a time that would be
Rank your top 3 carti songs oat go
long time
@ meh
new tank
Na but fr tho I don’t wanna hear mad f1lthy beats again
need drumless piano ballads and aphex beats tbh
I understand it (the delays) now.
It's time.
cant wait
ive only heard like 2 leaks since WLR
how will he change music again chat? reply with your predictions
He IS Music after all
VIBE CONCEPT: you in the car with Ken lone n carti otw to mitch mode house. You heard Abel (the weeknd) is throwing a party. You’re nodding off and offer carti a cig. U both spark ts and listen to F1lthy beats 😂😂😂 what a time that would be