just realized this only thugs 3rd feature since getting out of prison
Ngl I've been loving the dum dumm and dummer feature he laid out. Just levels above baby
Zane Lowe soon
With his uncle?
Zane Lowe soon
she interviewing carti here
The replies on this crazy like Teyana some bum and not a very successful person herself
Yeah bj penn has been schizo posting his mom and saying she got replaced
Must’ve taken too many blows to the head
Someone call CTESPN
check date on video
It’s a playboy carti album
Thug has had one verse since jail so I’m excited for that
Carti and Pluto last song was TEEN X and his main influence
Uzi and Carti r an iconic duo we haven’t heard collab in years
Travis been confirmed
travis is just ken
check date on video
oh dam, u rite
Twigs and Carti offspring would be a X-men mutant
twigs interviewing a domestic abuser has got to be some sort of humiliation ritual
might listen to clippng first who knows man
Literally my thoughts
Don't judge me vamps
I need this type of woman in my life
I'ma be mad af if hoodbyair not on there
Uzi feat has moved me ngl
travis is just ken
It’s rly super disappointing to me if there’s no opium features on here ngl
Uzi feat has moved me ngl
If there's any way that this doesn't release tonight Carti might have to start fearing for his own safety
I think those redditors will really show up to his house like
travis is just ken
idk if this is a diss towards trab or ken
looks like it already leaked
Even though spotify pays starvation wages, I want to give them official spins