What’s going on with the FRIDAY tweet?
Last night at 4 am it had a million likes
What’s going on with the FRIDAY tweet?
Last night at 4 am it had a million likes
botted likes were removed
Hoping Nick Cave and Bobby Dylan on thise
I just heard some rumors that NF entered the studio with Carti
I just heard some rumors that NF entered the studio with Carti
What’s going on with the FRIDAY tweet?
Last night at 4 am it had a million likes
Uzi is so beyond washed, man. I hope he brings it if he's actually on this.
EA2 sucked but ion think he’s washed, like 15 of the pink tape songs r great. Im sure it’ll be great it’s Uzi and Carti
she interviewing carti here
twigs had Lucki on her album back in 2014, she been wavy
ashamed out how much i played this comp
Hell yeah bro
twigs had Lucki on her album back in 2014, she been wavy
We can get in anytime. I’m just glad you getting your flowers. And when you got some time, superstar, come f*** with me.
Why did you hate @meh and when did you realize you were wrong
Fat f*** needs to shut his mouth
Why did you hate @meh and when did you realize you were wrong
never hated
always dedicated
Why did you hate @meh and when did you realize you were wrong
Phenomenal song got me into carti tbh
what track is this
tom macdonald
tory lanez
Only believe Tom..nice try with the other two
Ak said the secret feature is a top 5 artist in the game right now. Drake or Kendrick. Gotta be. He is too excited right now to be Kendrick though
so midnight ?
35 hundred my cardigan