I'm saying.. 1993 Pain mean nothing to him!?
Drake didnt want tweaker behavior on his album. Shouldve seen it coming
You can’t talk to him like that…
Jon Hamm avi? Didn't bro kill multiple people during a hazing? That's okay to you?
I want a Baby Keem penned verse from Kenny here not ANOTHER diss F***
Drake and Kenny need to leave each other ALONE
As a huge Drake fan this thread could be an absolute classic tonight
You f***in opium dweebs deserve it tho it’s been bad for y’all for awhile
mustard x fein fein fein artists on one song is gonna go crazy at the rizz party
Cursed songs fr
Lets appreciate for once the best news of the day. There is no Cudi feature on the album
Smoking a whole pack of cigs tonight for Carti
bobby hill type s***
so funny he started smokin cigs bc it was something no one else was doing or it wasn’t cool or whatever the f*** he said in that interview
like ok ? ok
Putting a kendrick diss verse on this is a bad idea ngl, would it a lot of short term attention but it could easily overshadow the album
Nah, If the albums actually good it’ll only boost it
Can’t believe this nigga’s only female collab ever is Nicki like making something for the b****es bro
see u wasn’t there when that bootychaiin feat. dropped. U right tho
mustard x fein fein fein artists on one song is gonna go crazy at the rizz party
mustard x fein fein fein artists on one song is gonna go crazy at the rizz party
You was gassing cacspend yesterday cut it out
Kendrick and Drake are gonna be subbing each other til the end of their careers get used to it
I want a Baby Keem penned verse from Kenny here not ANOTHER diss F***
Drake and Kenny need to leave each other ALONE
Man where tf is baby Keem at?
TV Off the only miss on Gnx for me
Carti my evil twin doesn’t ring off to me like a Kendrick bar
Could be him mocking Drake since that’s something Drake would say