man this sht better drop midnight and not randomly tomorrow im tryna get fried
FILLLLLLTHYYYYYYYYYYY (Kendrick Lamar voice) (super saiyan gif) (600k likes)
Wait wtf Kendrick?
wtf would that sound like?
alien voices
Hitta j3 verse and Kendrick only doin adlibs
Ya would cry about this and id be happy
Wait wtf Kendrick?
wtf would that sound like?
not like us
On Piru
A feature on Latto's song dropped like 2 weeks ago what are you talking about lmao
I’m aware, I’m talking about on his albums
camila, abra, that red cold hearted chick
Forgot about Redd
yea i was gonna say if it really does happen its prolly on cardo prod
On f***in god
Delete this post before anyone sees it
aura suicide
yea i was gonna say if it really does happen its prolly on cardo prod
euphoria, family ties show kendrick can fit on a cardo perfectly
the final feature is cash cobain
Something about “btw purple hair uzi back” just pisses me off
Ak is a fat stinking b******
Should've brang green hair uzi back
Yall think its too needy to ask for my gf to be affectionate