They’re really just regular ass people being exposed to unnatural, obscene levels of fame
Everyone’s gonna handle that differently, especially when scrutiny you could never imagine is being hurled at you on a daily basis
Yea, power corrupts all, in some way shape or form. Its inescapable.
Thats why i atleast respect when kendrick acknowledges it even though it doesnt absolve him of his hypocrisy
Swamp mothafuckin izzooo
Need swap izzo interrupting randomly in songs with loud ass ad libs like datpiff used to do back in the day
If we’re throwing features in the op go ahead and throw Ye ¥$ and XXX too as rumored
You could honestly prob throw Youngboy too
how many "i am not a dead beat" bars we gettin tonight chat
FAT RAPIST said Uzi on interlude and another track
Interludes is a good sign
Need swap izzo interrupting randomly in songs with loud ass ad libs like datpiff used to do back in the day
ong ik those who dont know will hate tooo
Need swap izzo interrupting randomly in songs with loud ass ad libs like datpiff used to do back in the day
If he did as much as drama did on cmiygl that would be perfect
please no kanye cornball ass on this
over under on condom eyes mucking this thread up today
over 6k pages
ktt servers turning into primordial ooze rn
Is condom eyes the guy talking to himself on the bully thread?
every thread
kendrick is an insane hypocrite as much as i like the music its just crazy
Everyone u listen to is probably a terrible person
Only knock against dot is that he sometimes works with them