💽 MUSIC 🎧🎶

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  • sfsorrow

    pickleball is overtaking s*** like the plague too

    i know the tennis center in santa monica straight up changed to santa monica pickleball center

  • Worldpremiere_

    What yall reading rn

    Never let me go

  • Jim Napster

    Tennis, football, bit of rugby, boxing and jim

    u play seriously? join my thread

  • ·
    2 replies

    What yall reading rn

    48 laws of power

  • Worldpremiere_

    What yall reading rn

    the thread

  • How many hours to days ?

  • John Mauve

    48 laws of power

    based incredibly based so based

  • Mark Moschino

    tennis court politics are so f***in annoying

    lmao no really. I live in a tourist/vacation area so 9 months out of the year I can play whenever for free just a few locals but during summer they make you pay a membership fee, pay PER hour and schedule days in advance. elderly tourists wake up at 5 am and take all the slots when they're available, it's ridiculous and they're rude as s***

  • Thread not fast enuff

  • Worldpremiere_

    What yall reading rn

    tracy’s tiger, my granny told me to take this from her home library when i visited on tuesday

    just a few pages in though didn’t have the time to properly get into it yet

  • Jim Napster

    Tennis, football, bit of rugby, boxing and jim

    I go to tennis once or twice a month for the past 6 years
    I play football ( soccer ) since I was born so atleast 3 times a week
    MTB every weekend
    Did MMA/ (mostly Muay Thai) for 7-8 years


    ah F*** ME 😩

  • ·
    1 reply

    What yall reading rn

    crime and punishment

  • Last batch I like these nollie tre clips and the manny flip to manny

  • John Mauve

    48 laws of power


  • Misfit

    crime and punishment

    Real. One of my favs


  • ·
    1 reply

    lowkey wish it was still just called Music

  • Misfit

    lowkey wish it was still just called Music

    So bad, I am music is kinda corn

  • OP
    3 replies

    What yall reading rn

    Breakfast of Champions Vonnegut

  • americana

    Breakfast of Champions Vonnegut

  • americana

    Breakfast of Champions Vonnegut

    big thinker

  • OP
    2 replies

    Everyone list rn what sport you do and for how many years right now

    Futbol 20 years
    Rec Basketball 10 years
    Track 10 years
    Biking 2 years
    Surfing 2 years
    Rock climbing 3 years