Everyone list rn what sport you do and for how many years right now
Jerkmate platinum rank user
7 years
Snowboarding is so sick, love the control you have
I’m regular foot on a skateboard and goofy on a snowboard I hate it lol plus I’m used to kicking the board away I feel like being stuck to the board is unsafe
Crazy how everyone on ktt2 has read Ulysses 3 times, plays 15 sports, 6 foot 6 and has a 9 inch covk
my shi little
It’s not tooooo hard the issue is consistent conditions, safety, and dealing with crowds
It generally makes it hard to get really skilled unless you’re starting from a young age
People have told me I’d be good at it just have never had the opportunity
Everyone list rn what sport you do and for how many years right now
Gym / Fitness
Boxing and Aikido are on break though. I really want to pick up one of these this year again.
People have told me I’d be good at it just have never had the opportunity
If you can skateboard you can absolutely surfboard
Everyone list rn what sport you do and for how many years right now
running lifting futbol
Wait is this actually happening tonight
What yall reading rn
finished Lonesome Dove a couple weeks ago. Such a great book.
I like the snowboarding minigame on FF7 and have read Underworld by Don Dellilo (baseball) if that counts
Going to play WLR again and reply to the 10 people I haven't responded to in a week 🏂