I think my thread ban should be lifted. All I did was ask which cereal mascot is the hottest nastiest freak
who won
I think my thread ban should be lifted. All I did was ask which cereal mascot is the hottest nastiest freak
I could remove it. I won't but I could.
Everybody go look at moon! At 2:26 it reaches totality! #BLOODMOON #CARTI #NIGHT
Thanks for lmk Ralphie!
In my wildest dream, she purchases me a flight to her city, i go there. She wine and dines me and asked if i could give her some head.I do, i try do my best trying to please her. I try to do my best but i know im just like every other dude she tosses to the side, she seems satisfied after i finish, I do notice the only thing is she didn't buy me a round trip ticket so now im stuck there outside with no way back home... feeling used and dirty. Deep down i am happy that she treated me like a little w**** blessed to get a taste of that sweet nectar
PSA yall: DO NOT DRINK on a stomach full of hot cheetos. Just dropped the most painful s*** of my life.