If you're not listening to this album on your Raycon Earbuds you have no right to judge the quality of the music that is about to bless your ears
Imma do it with moondrop arias bro
I'm scared I'm fearful I'm frightened
Isn’t it a big deal that Uzi is on it ?
Isn’t it a big deal that Uzi is on it ?
A lot of big deals are happening simultaneously
Isn’t it a big deal that Uzi is on it ?
Very cool yes
Isn’t it a big deal that Uzi is on it ?
He had to beg on his hands and knees for an aura boost. Jordan Carter is too merciful
I’m so tired yall
Imma do it with moondrop arias bro
I’m so tired yall
All you've done today is post on this forum
It’s hard work
Hes gonna scrap both and keep All Red
we will know in a lil bit lol
in for the traditional uzi renegade
All you've done today is post on this forum
why u think he tired?? ktt more tiresome than 98% of trades work
On that ⏱️
Carti folks, it's time.
I’m so tired yall
Come uk it’s morning here we ready
19 minutes
Wahhh baby needs a nap. Grow up
I got love for you bro. Deep love.