You’ll always be the cover to me…
Always am sluggy
you need to be physically harmed for sluggy
What was the point of the punk cover for WLR? Aesthetic, vibes. Nothing of substance or meaning
god damn dude shut up
You’ll always be the cover to me…
She was music 💔
they called the WLR cover trash too
we're getting a classic
Nah they called it a classic
You’ll always be the cover to me…
so damn good
Arti is using it by not responding ?
He don’t be on socials? Don’t be obtuse. People been using Kendrick as click bait for a year now
If this s*** is not out in 10 mins I want trump to put 1000% tariffs on all carti related items
wtf bruh the site is about to crash
What was the point of the punk cover for WLR? Aesthetic, vibes. Nothing of substance or meaning
yes but that was great meaningless aesthetic and vibes
another polarizing cover
there's a ktt1 mode?
Was about to say looks like modern OG KTT haha
8 mins babyyyyyyyy, we made itttt
V for Vendetta ass cover
Mysterious af
You’ll always be the cover to me…
diet her loss cover
You’ll always be the cover to me…
Gross and everyone that likes that post is insane
you need to be physically harmed for sluggy
You can't hurt me 😂 wittle fella