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  • kendrick on mojo jojo makes me laugh everytime

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    Tbh knowing Kanye those were very calculated tweets on some industry s***. I don't think he ever really loved TPAB like that.

    I always felt like Ye never really respected Kendrick like that and I feel like part of it is that Kendrick embodies everything that we thought Ye would be for the culture

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    Is it any good

  • Jonboi

    My b**** so bad she can't even go outside
    My b**** so bad she can't even post online

    song is such a vyb

  • viscera

    I want the credits so bad lmao

    right like i’m still tryna found out if artdealer on this

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    www quakerboy us


  • ineedabaker

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    bro kendrick and rocky were executive producers?

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    I can't really make out where KDot is on Mojo Jojo, is it just that 1-2 bars?

  • 1996 BRL ✊🏿

    These Uzi & Travis features are so average

    They sound like cutting room floor leftovers from 2017

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    Kendrick being on good credit rlly pissing me off man threw off the whole vibe for some s*** we’ve alrdy heard him do on euphoria

    Carti was cooking on Good Credit. He should have had a second verse. How does a producer or one of his friends not let him know that was one of his best pockets ever? Kendrick didn't need to be there or just let Carti go longer then throw in Kendrick i guess

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    2 replies

    Time to see if yall exaggerating the HBA hate

  • Abyss

    Tbh knowing Kanye those were very calculated tweets on some industry s***. I don't think he ever really loved TPAB like that.

    Facts man

  • Smoking Rules

    Is it any good

    I think you are going to absolutely hate it which means it's really good

  • lil ufo 🛸
    1 reply

    nigga that’s worse homophobia is way more prevalent outside USA. like murdered for being gay

    I know and I’m mad about it, what the f*** did you not get

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    Bernie X

    Time to see if yall exaggerating the HBA hate

    Nigga been listening to the album for 4 hours

  • I am Napster

    I think you are going to absolutely hate it which means it's really good

    Ah, a delicious little treat!!

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    Smoking Rules

    Is it any good

    Ehh it's clearly his worst tbh

    I'm sure it'll be your fav then

  • M0J0 J0J0


  • NeonNigga23

    bro kendrick and rocky were executive producers?

    Carti told ak kendrick was an exec producer but then f1lthy came out and said he wasn't so who knows

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    I can't really make out where KDot is on Mojo Jojo, is it just that 1-2 bars?


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    WLR exec prod Ye

    Music exec prod Kendrick

    Just noticing...

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    Bernie X

    Time to see if yall exaggerating the HBA hate

    still the best beat on this s*** idgaf

  • TPAB is one of the best albums ever made.
    Idek how he did that s*** tbh

  • mr get dough

    Nigga been listening to the album for 4 hours


    I stopped listening halfway thru to go do something but I’m finishing up now