majority of this feels like the most accessible thing he’s attempted
he's def chart/radio chasing on a lot of these songs
remove the fraudulent world cup, the two undeserved d'ors, and all the Negreira league titles
I won’t stress bout no Bih that’s not mah s***
Self titled
hmm maybe
one of the best beats here, most certainly
that intro
couldn't agree more brotha
Walk around
KSG and Donda are way better than mr morale and GNX lol
Me when I’m stupid
remove the fraudulent world cup, the two undeserved d'ors, and all the Negreira league titles
Yea let’s rewrite history to appease your dumb ass
Messi clears
another overrated midget
WLR exec prod Ye
Music exec prod Kendrick
Just noticing...
Just from listening I can tell Kendrick did not exec produce this lmfao off rip it wouldn’t be 30 songs and would surely have some type of motif connecting the songs
Dont understand the whole kendrick doesn’t fit narrative he sounds fine lmao
Can yall gobble somewhere else
Put em in a coffin
Me when I’m stupid
Me when i have a differing opinion to your d***riding ass
They play soccer in me backyard…think i see messi
Can yall gobble somewhere else
This is literally the thread about the album which kendrick is on
lmaooo nigga writing carti full sentences
i havent listened yet but ik they stealing swag from niggas that they talk crazy about
they must love them some gyro is all imma say lol
That Uzi verse sounds like Mozart compared to the rest of the album lmao
majority of this feels like the most accessible thing he’s attempted
which makes starting with Pop Out even funnier
Just from listening I can tell Kendrick did not exec produce this lmfao off rip it wouldn’t be 30 songs and would surely have some type of motif connecting the songs
yeah i had to hit my misinformation quota
2024 could've been on the album if he just updated the intro to "2025 music"
would be the best song on here still