in my own twisted mind yes
I thought i was gonna get cooked for this one im surprised
the thread has progressed past the need for this gif
neighbor told me to stop playing my s***ty music (opm babi)
my neighbor went back inside the house
opm babi made me feel like my brain was melting
WLR > Blonde
Especially an album like Blonde thats so built on amazing song writing
Its just not gonna happen w carti lol
Not even saying his lyrics are bad but hes just not that kinda artist that could make an album that resonates with me on that level emotionally but at the same time Im against Frank Ocean so let me stop propping that nigga up lol
Man i love Crush so much
One of the only songs where I felt I was hearing something NEW
the stretched strained "pop"s he was doing towards the end, knew I was in for an experience
He be knowing how to make us finish
Friend of mine is saying Cole is better than Carti
He needs to be executed asap
Yeah you picked up what I was putting down man
2hours of sleep taking over
The transition into the Evil J0rdan drop gave me full body chills Jesus Christ
i gotta eat
i gotta eat
neighbor told me to stop playing my s***ty music (opm babi)
U shoulda beat his f***ing ass bro
He f***ing b****ed you, its over with. Your life will never be the same, he emasculated you.
Go get cracking and come back
Can someone give me a rundown of what happened after 5am? I went to bed when Kai was talking about pulling up on Carti.
Especially an album like Blonde thats so built on amazing song writing
Its just not gonna happen w carti lol
Not even saying his lyrics are bad but hes just not that kinda artist that could make an album that resonates with me on that level emotionally but at the same time Im against Frank Ocean so let me stop propping that nigga up lol
You can be honest man, His lyrics are absolutely terrible lol
Friend of mine is saying Cole is better than Carti
J Cole:
This is a car/party/gym album and it excels at being that.
Can someone give me a rundown of what happened after 5am? I went to bed when Kai was talking about pulling up on Carti.
Nothing we still waiting on the album
that might be the one
The choir is heavenly
So many horrid takes itt
opm babi made me feel like my brain was melting
so goodf
Google+ perkies.. I feel so invincible