this would be very sweet if the other person in this exchange was not ian
i don't think carti wrote fine s*** chorus
this would be very sweet if the other person in this exchange was not ian
Its right up there with the all time greats like Vultures 2, GNX and $$$
im putting it just under the heist by macklemore and right above pound syndrome by hopsin
love this
That’s a sxn name I haven’t heard in a long time
That’s a sxn name I haven’t heard in a long time
I just put them boogers in my chain
this means nothing to me
bro thinks he texting Antidote
The "woah!!'s" at the beginning of CHARGE DEM HOES A FEE
@cowboy Pink TapePink TapePink TapePink TapePink TapePink TapePink TapePink TapePink Tape
Double cup pink drank
this would be very sweet if the other person in this exchange was not ian
mainstream rappers when they talking with someone with a million allegations
nah this album is good // play on shuffle
These loud ass snares ain’t it bro
if you play the album out loud they are comically loud
wait they fixed HBA
edit :nvm
This album probably the most cohesive and conceptual album of all time
wait they fixed HBA
edit :nvm
This album probably the most cohesive and conceptual album of all time
The adlibs and swamp izzo tags honestly add a lot to these songs