I told her I’m big like Bieber she ain’t believe me
Whatever happened to my coveted, promised Backshot Biebs feature
f*** which song had the SWA-SWA-SWA-SWAMP IZZO one of the songs he was spamming it crazy most of these blend together tbh
crank or opm babi
Whatever happened to my coveted, promised Backshot Biebs feature
Deluxe soon come
this album is sooooo fire
carti never f***ing misses
Havent been online much - whats the general reception?
I swear if these f***ing losers are complaining about this
Album is ok. Post 2020 carti fans hate it for some reason even though it sounds like pretty standard fare from him
Don't get me started on that f***ing turtle bridge level
classic for that reason alone
Crash 2 was a monumental step up in platforming, controls and iconic levels
And I don't dislike crash 1 but the difficulty isn't a fun difficult (Souls; HK). It's a janky and annoying difficult
4 > 1 is crazy to me
Twin trim being a 45 second lead up to Uzi talking about getting his nuts sucked >>
Havent been online much - whats the general reception?
I swear if these f***ing losers are complaining about this
It seems polarizing. WLR was like that too though so you gotta give people time.
What other songs are as good as Like Weezy I had it on shuffle and now idk what I heard already lol
Carti is actually such an enigma in music man
What other songs are as good as Like Weezy I had it on shuffle and now idk what I heard already lol
4 > 1 is crazy to me
Part of it might be me and my friend played through it together and the amount of laughs and absolute hilarious moments we had I'll never forget
i think it’s cause carti actually doing these d**** lmao
I move fast but feel everything
How @pussy_bacon sees coffee drinkers
It is classic but
D**** got me numb please leak or be on the deluxe