Evil Jordan is such an unreal show of skill. How the f*** can you tackle a beat like that so effortlessly
Lol that beat is pretty normal to me but he definitely went in
That double cup love
can’t wait for the next years-long string of lies it’ll be worth it I just know
what are the mix changes?
everything sounds the same to me
Lol that beat is pretty normal to me but he definitely went in
can you let me be hyperbolic for a second wtf
OPM BABI the Flatbed Freestyle of this alb
he adding the features into spotify tho, toxic now has skepta in the artists
Every artist should do this
Hide the features for release day then add them
Toxic >>
Kendrick is not on MOJO JOJO
This might be his best s*** talking and rapping
what songs got fixed
radar for sure
travis still dumb quiet on crush
charge dem hoes a fee sounds better
pop out still 90000% volume
opm babi is such a hilarious track
you just getting assaulted by gunshots and izzo spam left and right
someone said he sound like danny brown on here and i can see the vision
might be even more interesting than the kendrick collab
OPM BABI is the one
I could hear Skino on Pop Out
thats what i think he sayin too
When THE HELLE the Deluxe dropping
thats what i think he sayin too
Makes sense with the line before it