Good album but Seeing all the support n reposts from ppl i know that dont even support me/eachother made me depressed
how did you make a carti album about yourself lmfao
That’s the opposite of trim
I'm so not trim, I'm an Israelite
tied with philly
Philly for sure. The only song I skip
The Thugger joint I’m afraid
Worst part is how it just sounds so bizarre and out of place when compared to the other 29 tracks lol
Polar bear in texas
SOUTH ATLANTA BABY not getting enough praise
i understand its the 30th song on the album so its bound to happen but
its amazing
Scyeah scientists discussing I sat my arse down and listened
is the first mix the Raw Power Iggy Mix of our generation
you know ball
Philly ain’t bad it just sounds like it coulda been on a jackboys album
Worst part is how it just sounds so bizarre and out of place when compared to the other 29 tracks lol
Polar bear in texas
S*** was prolly done thursday
They didnt even remove Gunna adlibs
For being the worst sequencing of all time
historical either way
Im telling you nbody safe my fav bar of 2025
Rather Lie might be the worst song here ngl
wake up f1lthy
yall can never make me hate metro, man
the way he kept chopping them swamp izzo vocals on the hook sheeeeeeeeeeeesh
wake up f1lthy
wake up f1lthy
how he put travis instead of uzi on philly
Travis the goat of popping up where he's not invited
wake up f1lthy
best one of the travis songs here
how he put travis instead of uzi on philly
Was obviously a Travis song originally
the worst song on here is easily we need all the vibes and no song comes close to being as bad because every other song is 10/10
how he put travis instead of uzi on philly
i understand why u say that but
Philly sounds like a Travis song
Shoutout David Lynch my goat you woulda loved music