that double cup love
i need some more
she send me some
when she get bored
hey thats me
We need all the vibes is the biggest fumble of all time
Why didnt thug and carti just create a new song
Thug second feat since jail would have been way more popping than a 2021 leak
I’m worried about thug bro I’m glad he’s free and of course wanna just let him vibe with his freedom but the post-jail arc has been a nothingburger and it doesn’t seem to be heading anywhere either
adhd riddled tik tok addicted 13 year old classic
They will get in a couple years when they reach my state of mind
is the mix updated on apple
crazy turn of events
S***s undeniable
imagine not liking opm babi
Thinking Kendrick would do something for the 10th anniversary of TPAB, instead he’s moaning on a Carti album.
Need to know what Jim jones thinks of this malarkey
Thinking Kendrick would do something for the 10th anniversary of TPAB, instead he’s moaning on a Carti album.
We won.
Thinking Kendrick would do something for the 10th anniversary of TPAB, instead he’s moaning on a Carti album.
Music better
We need the vibes IS the type of absolute mediocrity safe song you put in the pool cookout with your Friends so the gyarls don't ask to change the sing
why yall feel ok talking about women this way
Crine Bro Lost interest after 6 minute
Crush one of the more interesting things Trav did recently
Not A Diss We Are Just Not D***riders
Thinking Kendrick would do something for the 10th anniversary of TPAB, instead he’s moaning on a Carti album.
"I need that beep beep beep beep, that extraterrestrial -"