AI getting better means music getting worse
This is a Milli Vanilli situation on wax
it'll probably be worse
any talentless hack will sound "good" and the art will regress to where ppl think they need the ai to sound good
not to mention labels will probably own the artists voices (lol) to where they can keep pumping out tracks with their vocals for a 100 years
Better run right home when the sky turn black screaming f*** ai till my line go flat
the best song on here being 4 years old and barely having carti on it is crazy
yup we need all da vibes was a snippet from like 2021. and the leak had gunna on it but he replaced his verse wit ty dolla
Hopefully in 5 years all voices can be replicated to become indistinguishable from the real thing so that maximum profit can be attained
one day we will finish tryna get down
Hopefully in 5 years all voices can be replicated to become indistinguishable from the real thing so that maximum profit can be attained
finna use it to get peoples grandmas social security
Sweet! 🤗
I can't wait. AI movies will improve too
We need more AI not less
finna use it to get peoples grandmas social security
incoming kurrco delete
Lone should’ve been on Dis 1 Different
Ken should’ve been on Olympian
ken would’ve done his s*** on walk
I will be starting The Church of OPM BABI .
its crazy every criticism i read about ai just sells me on it more
Eminem lowkey used AI more creatively than other artists crine
Yeah it was great
Charge dem hoes a fee
I still can’t believe Carti is one of the frontrunners for this ai s***
I’m not at all surprised the dude is completely morally bankrupt
that cdq snippet of f on my dj on the leak site sounds crazy
need it