Everyone knows someone when it’s time to win an online argument
I don't think you know who you're talking to
On the bright side that means you have 16 new carti smackers for your playlist
Reconstructing the tracklist to a playlist as we speak
I don't think you know who you're talking to
i've needed to f*** sumn for a week
I don't think you know who you're talking to
Lot of good songs on here but that isn’t one of them i’m sorry
Different strokes for different folks but that’s probably top 3 for me
Kurrco 😂😂😂
pedo on pedo violence is crazy
Walk is so good
Verified source NeonNigga23
@op lol
Kurrco 😂😂😂
Read your caption in the classic “mustarrrd!” voice 😂 My sides hurt from laughing. Too funny!
for a big artist this might be the worse album in a long time, its even worse when you factor in its been 5 years. Back to the shadow grave for thong boy
Wait Fine S*** is AI too??
Just pretend the whole album is AI and then you wouldn’t care what is AI or not and realize AI makes the best MUSIC
Your source is Discord and YouTube videos with 5K views btw
My source is non delusion
Lawson retweeting rather lie lyrics too 😭✌️