Should’ve put this on streaming
I think they will after week 1 is up
Should’ve been on music
Should’ve been on music
Is technically
This a career celebration at this point
It’s on the digital download 🤗
damn he didn't perform philly backrooms or wake up
A rap this song like
He was in a cave in paris sampling rich kidz
The wait for s/t felt for so damn long at the time lmao, 2015 and 16 came and went with nothing
A nigga was ready to give up
girl on the cover just another regular b**** from my childhood who was smoking weed in my garage once and now got hundreds of thousands of thirsting men
the name kurrco haunts me
is he breaking curfew
Yeah RL owner said they’d pay the fees so he could play his whole set
Most overrated song of the 2024 singles ngl this s*** is dogshit 😂
My favorite