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  • Mr Sting

    I can’t lie the way Ian and the mob were moving around 2015-2018 gotta be studied fr niggas were moving like some damn outlaws 😂

    Niggas would even end up fighting each other at events and s*** lmao truly unhinged era

    bari fighting ian in paris and virgil having to stop em

  • WFH

    Listen to yourself man

    "He used to style Kylie"

    You literally asked what he did relax

  • remember when carti whopped asspizza

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    Mr Sting

    I can’t lie the way Ian and the mob were moving around 2015-2018 gotta be studied fr niggas were moving like some damn outlaws 😂

    Niggas would even end up fighting each other at events and s*** lmao truly unhinged era

    cahti dont touch em don’t touch em cahti

  • How long was the set

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    Speaking of...I'll never forget back in HS one of my homeboy randomly asking me if I saw the Carti Christmas tree fight then showing me this


  • DiamondsFlooded

    they don’t even make songs like this no more

    This was a grail back in the day glad it leaked

  • Mason Marjella

    remember when carti whopped asspizza

    Almost whacked kerwin in the head with a bar stool 😂

    Niggas was fighting with an Christmas tree hanging upside down in the background lmao

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    Mr Sting

    Facts if dude wasn’t such a perverted sick f*** he could’ve been one the biggest A&R’s of this generation

    Carti was lowkey the first artist he took under his wing and s*** look at him now

    His reach was insane man damn near controlled scene kids at the time

    Between styling Kylie & Migos making them both more in touch, working with Ye and inheriting Pastelle, the revenge storm s***, working with Virgil & the mob, putting on Carti, Yachty & DSavage, Bloody O, etc., making Vlone hot. He’s even the reason why Jay & Carti are even close so he indirectly had a hand in opium

    Dude really had young niggas wanting to visit SoHo like it was Paris

    Ruined it all so he could be a predator instead

  • viscera

    cahti dont touch em don’t touch em cahti

  • ShayMalice

    Speaking of...I'll never forget back in HS one of my homeboy randomly asking me if I saw the Carti Christmas tree fight then showing me this


    There it is

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    Mason Marjella

    bari fighting ian in paris and virgil having to stop em

    The funniest part is in the video s*** looked normal as f*** then Ian just socked tf outta this nigga out of nowhere 😂

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    Mr Sting

    The funniest part is in the video s*** looked normal as f*** then Ian just socked tf outta this nigga out of nowhere 😂

    Beginning of the end fr

  • WFH

    Listen to yourself man

    "He used to style Kylie"

    aye man, he one of the original influencers

  • 2 hours set

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    Remember when kerwin’s wife (?) went on that campaign about him being deadbeat? Are they still together?

  • WFH

    Listen to yourself man

    "He used to style Kylie"

    Him styling what was once damn near modern-day Marilyn Monroe isn’t a big deal?

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    remember when ian got flamed for wearing skechers

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    Nothing will ever beat the day Uzi was looking for Saint John when he saw he posted a picture with Britney, found him and then chased him through the streets

    goddamn we were lucky to experience some funny s*** cause of cameras

    edit: Rich the kid. Saint John was the pistol whip lmfaoo

  • ish

    remember when ian got flamed for wearing skechers

    holy s*** yes he seriously set the trends


    I went to this

  • viscera

    Remember when kerwin’s wife (?) went on that campaign about him being deadbeat? Are they still together?

    nah he got a new girl

  • kerwin content was so goated

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    First time hearing Uzi was when he did “All My Chains” at Yams Day

    There’s a me before and after hearing that song