💽 MUSIC 🎧🎶

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  • New Alt

    F On My DJ already leaked so it can't be that

    they got the p bacon special

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    1 reply
    Little Wayne

    Well if you over 25 listening to this s*** you most likely brain rot well not like you have any excuse for doing it at all though thirty songs is beyond unbearable besides two or three songs all sound the same you can tell how most are compressed because its basically bad recordings with noise and distortion lol Carti on some songs raps like he finna take a s*** after a week constipation plus most guest verses are meh sorry s***’s ass bruh

    Me and Carti same age. Music is subjective and this music is fun and exciting, let people enjoy what they want. Lighten up

  • DOGE Employee 🇺🇸
    3 replies

    I have never been touched by a female before

  • Vertical1600

    I'm sorry if you over 25 and feel the need to use a wheelchair

    Just realise I stepped right into the brain rot nest my bad running for my life as we speak...
    I came in peace yall besides yall got that extra chromosome 21 too I feel you thats why yall get to understand wtf he saying

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    1 reply

    Cartihub is groupbuying a blind "previewed MUSIC era grail" for $10,000 already

    It’s gotta be d**** got me numb

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    1 reply
    DOGE Employee

    I have never been touched by a female before

    Would you like to be touched by a male?

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  • Mr Sting

    Tf you niggas in here talking about lmao

    This nigga Carti gonna be 30 himself in about 6 months and most of the top rappers rn are way older than their fans that’s how it’s always been lowkey, go look up 50, Eminem & Kanye etc. Their debut dropped in their late 20s almost 30

    This whole kid rapper thing is still fairly new and they still aren’t looked at as superstars even when it does happen, it’s rare tbh. Just a quick money grab for the labels. These young niggas today are better at being lit on social media and entertaining people on camera not music. They aren’t musicians.

    Exactly. Carti is damn near 30 and all the other current huge rappers are nearing 40 (or older). This agist crap is dumb.

  • NobodyWins

    It’s gotta be d**** got me numb


  • Need OLYMPIAN to be injected in my veins asap

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    2 replies

    Does Kendrick say "seeyuh seeyuh" on Good Credit?

  • TheRocket64

    Does Kendrick say "seeyuh seeyuh" on Good Credit?

    u bout to nut?

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  • so much pain

    Reporting Live from the Caucus Mountains

  • so much pain

    Why this looks like a school project done by the annoying duo

  • so much pain

    can't wait to see what emotes they hit

  • that rolling loud set was so f***ing good

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  • Himothee

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    1 reply

    These 2 guys got the most unique builds in the game

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    3 replies

  • Himothee

    The verdict on the album is finally out

  • gothangelsinner

    This is raw emotion

  • w00lves 🐺
    6 replies
    pussy bacon

    These 2 guys got the most unique builds in the game
