Fun and exciting lmao you made my day already fam I see yall butt hurt because most of yall over that age I just mentioned and f***ing with this mongoloid music haha I aint no hater I like Carti on some songs like Carnival for example he got his thing going thats cool but a whole album of this s*** is just too much for me I guess.
I guarantee you get no b****es
He don’t fw Ye no more on the low if u really taking in how hes moving
he's calling him his brother
not quite sure if music will ever reach this peak again
! better
wonder if he saw nicks opinion on this album
Fun and exciting lmao you made my day already fam I see yall butt hurt because most of yall over that age I just mentioned and f***ing with this mongoloid music haha I aint no hater I like Carti on some songs like Carnival for example he got his thing going thats cool but a whole album of this s*** is just too much for me I guess.
Nigga came in this thread to hate in front of an audience instead of to himself
What u want us to do about u not liking the music?
Scram nigga!
I think he sayin kill but it sounds like seeyuh nd its the craziest s*** i ever heard
Cnt wait to hear it live
The more I hear it the more it sounds like seeyuh to me
Can't wait to hear it live too
need that playboi carti feat north west more than i need air
Like Weezy North remix could genuinely be hard
Caucasian opinions
not quite sure if music will ever reach this peak again
Nigga came in this thread to hate in front of an audience instead of to himself
What u want us to do about u not liking the music?
Scram nigga!
A wise man once said cant win an argument against an idiot... Second why you even quoting me for? Boy you got so much s*** inside that head of yours bet you been shoving it up your ass every day singing backdoor backdoor
Go do yourself a favour and just shut yo hoe ass up b****
evil opm babi
he could've put this instead of the booty song ft thug and ty dolla
I wish carti was featured on me n my kup by kenneth carson
he could've put this instead of the booty song ft thug and ty dolla
we got twin trim instead of this
we got twin trim instead of this
we got the better song then
we got the better song then
I can see ya seeyuh
Munyun is generational