The gunshots became listenable
I’m switching lanes
On these w****s
don't do dumb s***
don't do chicken s***
*Thumb through dog s***
They call money in Michigan dog s***
We still don’t have the last single in good quality
It just clicked
!! I said this a week ago hahahaha but yeah that is v accurate
Still can't believe this is out
It just clicked
!! does this fit so well omg
Cocaine Nose peak, gonna make me relapse #jk
the swamp izzo laugh at the start of pop out is so perfect
crank so good
Your daddy did his thing!
nah I am not listening to that trash FOMDJ on v3, i am good luv enjoy ✌️
why did he have a half empty lil uzi song on here instead of fomdj
cus he love Uzi
addicting album
crank so good
i can see that being a hit in the future
FOMDJ so crazy
anyone got a version of filthy with the og verses added with the new album versions together ?
this is all bad man
Come on bro Philly is so generic it’s like a throwaway from huncho jack
Dude needs to fix cocaine nose. That intro he did for evil Jordan should have been for cocaine nose instead