Fomdj might be the best combination of wlr and die lit carti. Heck might be a top 5 carti track oat for me
This nigga breath hot as hell on fomdj. Back the f*** up from the mic nigga damn
Fomdj might be the best combination of wlr and die lit carti. Heck might be a top 5 carti track oat for me
Listening to the whole album front to back with deluxe tracks
I have almost 300 plays on this album and I've only listened to it in order twice
no way we're slandering the guy that made a great chaos
or broken hearts
FOMDJ teleported mans back to 2021
Not enough overly praise itt
Top 3 on there or at least before the inclusion of different day and fomdj
Top 3 on there or at least before the inclusion of different day and fomdj
S*** makes me wanna dance!
Pop Out is ridiculous I just wish it didn't have that god damn off beat clicking
Ts hard
40 dollars
JUMPIN is slowly becoming one of my favs
out of all the things carti and uzi got in their catalogue….. yea idk
its cool but really its just whatever to me esp compared to vetements jeans and menage as of late
F*** Taylorgang is so much better than crank but I love the homage!
AM just updated
shoutout lenarr man
AM just updated
AM just updated
Happened hours ago
Purrp been putting on for carti lately. Got a feeling they gave him a nice bag, good for him!
Purrp been putting on for carti lately. Got a feeling they gave him a nice bag, good for him!
love to see it
he was a nice supporter and great hypemen for Carti 2nd to SWAMP IZZO
Kendrick should become a mixtape DJ between album cycles
Purrp been putting on for carti lately. Got a feeling they gave him a nice bag, good for him!
He also said more music coming soon between them two but can’t trust anything his braindead ass says