Imagine choosing ur wife only to get divorced and potentially have ur pockets ran
U gotta live with that
These twitter dudes really dramatic
that dude comes from a broken home
RIP to my mom,
knot getting tied in Dec.
Can I pick both?
avy to post correlation broke the charts
Sorry fam. RIP FOR REAL
Cheers to a happy life with your soon to be
My mother and I’d hope my wife is able to understand that because she was lucky enough to feel that way about her father
avy to post correlation broke the charts
Sorry fam. RIP FOR REAL
Cheers to a happy life with your soon to be
Thanks man
The album was one of the few things my mom and I actually bonded over
Imagine choosing ur wife only to get divorced and potentially have ur pockets ran
U gotta live with that
I understand the relationship my future husband has with his mom is important and I respect it.
Something I will not be okay with is he does not have a mind of his own. He’s easily controlled or always does what his mom says.
If he’s too much of a mommas boy in a not healthy manner I’m out.
It's weird how I've never heard this come up with a dude.
I've never heard a dude complain about a girl loving her dad too much lmao. B****es be out of pocket
The mom could be completely wrong in a situation , this all depends on the context
But ain’t no girl, wife or whoever disrespecting my mom
imagine not having a girl and a mom that get along with eachother and take every opportunity to make fun of you when they’re together
I think this varies largely by the relationship you have with your mom.
If you have bozo mom that treated you like s***, then of course your wive comes first. However, if your mom was always there for you, doing her best to provide for you and taking care of you, then no questions asked your mom comes first.
Obviously you should hold on to your relationship with your mom harder but in practice you would probably do more for your wife
U telling me you’d pick the woman who has the potential to lie to you about being the father of her child for over three years over your mother who literally brought you into this world????