why yo dawg mad at u
why yo dawg mad at u
Wrong thread
Wrong thread
Only knew english my whole life, now im starting to learn spanish, beautiful language and its been a while since i put effort to teach myself something new so its rewarding as f***
Trying to get like bro
Gracias por tu tiempo mamañemas🙏
This guy is actually pretty hated in the language learning community lmao
i'm gonna learn spanish eventually. i took spanish in the 7th-10th grade and one year in college and open up duolingo a few times a year so maybe when i'm like 35
I'm learning Spanish right now, but once I have that down I want to learn Italian and Portuguese. Then maybe French.
I do duolingo daily, and I've definitely learned a bunch, but I think I need to find other ways of teaching myself as well.
I took Spanish for like 10 years from elementary-high school, but I only started taking it seriously around junior year. I kind of regret not trying harder back then.
This guy is actually pretty hated in the language learning community lmao
I dont fw dude personality wise but starting a yt channel with such skills is def the move. It's jealousy from the community ig
I’m trying to learn Spanish because it’s my girlfriend first lanaguage and I want to be able to talk to her family
Gonna finish school and learn german afterwards. Can’t wait to hit these hoes up with this absolutely disgustingly aggressive language.
I dont fw dude personality wise but starting a yt channel with such skills is def the move. It's jealousy from the community ig
The issue is that most of these guys are exaggerating their skills.
All the “I learned _ in a month” types, which he is. That stuff is not real and if it was then it wouldn’t be profitable to sell courses on how to do it lol
Also a lot of people have noted the racial aspect of his content. A white guy speaking Swahili or Mandarin is gonna get more reactions that a black man or a Asian woman speaking fluent English
This guy is actually pretty hated in the language learning community lmao
im out of the loop, why ?
Brushing up my Spanish currently. Listening/ singing to corridos and translating them has helped a lot.
Was trying to learn Japanese but I’m rtarded
The issue is that most of these guys are exaggerating their skills.
All the “I learned _ in a month” types, which he is. That stuff is not real and if it was then it wouldn’t be profitable to sell courses on how to do it lol
Also a lot of people have noted the racial aspect of his content. A white guy speaking Swahili or Mandarin is gonna get more reactions that a black man or a Asian woman speaking fluent English
you might be unto something about the race but laoshu was def the biggest language yt before he passed, rip.
Picked up on learning español during quarantine, it’s definitely been useful and helped me in a major way. Been learning France over the past month and half now, nothing too crazy just off the Duolingo app, need to get more serious with it though
I'm learning Spanish right now, but once I have that down I want to learn Italian and Portuguese. Then maybe French.
I do duolingo daily, and I've definitely learned a bunch, but I think I need to find other ways of teaching myself as well.
I took Spanish for like 10 years from elementary-high school, but I only started taking it seriously around junior year. I kind of regret not trying harder back then.
yeah I think a combination of Anki flashcards for drilling vocab, Duo for just general learning, some more formal curriculum to learn grammar, and then website like italki to actually speak with another person is the way to go.
i think imma enroll in french 102 pass/fail at my local community college next semester and after that spend more time with books and online in 1 on 1 tutoring sessions to get a better grip of the grammar and to get used to actually speaking with another person