Yo can you walk me thru real quick cuz i have no clue how to navigate pirate bay
The main page has a search bar, search what u need
to organize the results by most seeders, click the top right corner “S” at the top of the column and u should be straight
Once ur at the page for the torrent u want, hit “get torrent” and boom
just use caution there are some bunk links but they have a comment section so its easy to tell the difference
The main page has a search bar, search what u need
to organize the results by most seeders, click the top right corner “S” at the top of the column and u should be straight
Once ur at the page for the torrent u want, hit “get torrent” and boom
just use caution there are some bunk links but they have a comment section so its easy to tell the difference
Alright dope thanks a lot man ive always been a lil sketched out about pirate bay but i want free s***