Closest you can come to perfect is OutKast.
All the legends have had their share of bullshit albums.
Some more then others.
Including all the work they've ever done, side projects, loosies, weed carrier albums, mixtape material, features, etc., who do you think has the best discography in the game?
Having a GOAT discog isn’t about the absence of mid, it’s about having a lot of GOAT material
Having a GOAT discog isn’t about the absence of mid, it’s about having a lot of GOAT material
Kanye f***ing WestWith that train of thought, I gotta go with Nas.
Hes got classic unreleased music to offset some of the lemons that got put on his albums.
And hes done a bunch of side s*** that didnt yield anything classic but he still gets points for the attempt.
lol @ Drake and Wayne
As @Brave said earlier it’s not about the absence of mid but about having a lot of GOAT material
As @Brave said earlier it’s not about the absence of mid but about having a lot of GOAT material
At the same time though the consistency matters too, ok going by your criteria maybe Wayne is agreeable but not Drake tbh
With that train of thought, I gotta go with Nas.
Hes got classic unreleased music to offset some of the lemons that got put on his albums.
And hes done a bunch of side s*** that didnt yield anything classic but he still gets points for the attempt.
Nas and Damian made a classic though and that was a side project