  • The other threads seem to be mostly dominated by western ideologues

    I would just like to actually know explicitly who is a Palestinian on here instead of just assuming based on posts

    I’m fine to make this a thread where I post information from Arabic sources or telegram groups that I find substantive and important enough to give commentary

    I don’t want to talk about or have the conversation dominated about American politics — I’ve repeated it many times the American electorate doesn’t mean s*** nor popular opinion quite honestly. If you’re looking for that, go to the other thread, where most of you people already try to post

    I’m only interested in talking to people with actual stakes in this and don’t care abstract debaters

  • Feb 10
    1 reply

    pali-lebanese at your service

  • Snowboy

    pali-lebanese at your service

    U must be hot af

  • Feb 10
    1 reply

    Me and all my brothers Yugoslavian

  • Feb 10
    3 replies

    The fan site based on American hip-hop culture seems to be dominated by Western ideology?

  • hyphen

    The fan site based on American hip-hop culture seems to be dominated by Western ideology?

    the ironic fascism of many users on here has very little to do with hiphop or black culture, actually. unless you think kanye west ranting about jews and the age of consent is "hip-hop culture", I personally wouldn't be that cynical tho.

  • Feb 11

    The fan site based on American hip-hop culture seems to be dominated by Western ideology?

    Newsflash the majority of the English speaking Palestinian diaspora lives in where..? Right the western world

    If you’re insecure about it being a ideologue that’s on you just because you live in the west doesn’t make you be one inherently

    You people look for gotchas without doing a basic critical thinking exercise

  • hyphen

    The fan site based on American hip-hop culture seems to be dominated by Western ideology?

    It’s a considerable amount of american users here that dont subscribe to that tho

  • Ron Mexico

    Me and all my brothers Yugoslavian

    Serbian ?