  • Updated Feb 3, 2022

    full video

    i notice a lot more people driving like the honda nowadays...going 90+, swerving between lanes, tailgating out the ass

    that sort of behavior makes me want to act like the truck driver here but i never actually do cause i don't want to get into an accident

    did the honda driver deserve his comeuppance?

  • Feb 3, 2022
    2 replies

    Honda driver is a moron but the truck driver is an a******

    Stay the f*** out the left lane if you arent passing lmao

    There is no reason you should be in the left lane going the same speed as the car next to you youre holding up traffic for no reason

  • Feb 3, 2022
    1 reply

    Left lane is a passing lane so truck driver should gave way that being said he was probably unaware and the Honda shoulda honked instead of doing all dat

  • Feb 3, 2022
    le epic poster xD

    Left lane is a passing lane so truck driver should gave way that being said he was probably unaware and the Honda shoulda honked instead of doing all dat

    the truck driver was clearly intentionally blocking the honda from passing, break checking, and even sped up when the honda tried to pass on the shoulder.

  • Feb 3, 2022

    Both are scum.

  • Feb 3, 2022
    2 replies

    Both sides unironically

  • Feb 3, 2022

    I mean the Honda driver is blatantly driving recklessly, there's no excuse for that

    The truck driver is just an a******

  • Tubig 🌊
    Feb 3, 2022
    1 reply

    Honda driver obviously in the wrong lol don’t be a f***ing idiot

    But also the truck needs to get out the left lane if they’re going to drive slow

  • Feb 3, 2022

    left lane laws vary by state and sometimes that s*** only applies on the highway

  • Feb 3, 2022
    1 reply

    Honda driver obviously in the wrong lol don’t be a f***ing idiot

    But also the truck needs to get out the left lane if they’re going to drive slow

    truck driver was probably going over the speed limit

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Feb 3, 2022
    2 replies

    everyone but the most are the guys recording, cheering and being happy for the guy getting wrecked

  • Feb 3, 2022

    truck driver was probably going over the speed limit

    In some states flow of traffic trumps speed limit

    And regardless he was at the same exact speed as the car next to him

  • Tubig 🌊
    Feb 3, 2022
    2 replies

    What you doooiiiing

  • Feb 3, 2022
    2 replies
    lil ufo

    everyone but the most are the guys recording, cheering and being happy for the guy getting wrecked

    yeah that s*** corny as hell

    we don’t even know if dude’s alive and they cheering “YESSS,” the f*** happened where people are filled with such vitriol against other human beings?

  • Feb 3, 2022
    lil ufo

    everyone but the most are the guys recording, cheering and being happy for the guy getting wrecked

    fr these dudes cheering like their team won the big game

  • Feb 3, 2022

    this is evil
    yea the driver was an ass but cheering on possible death is no

  • Feb 3, 2022

    yeah that s*** corny as hell

    we don’t even know if dude’s alive and they cheering “YESSS,” the f*** happened where people are filled with such vitriol against other human beings?

    And its funny because the guys recording are just as bad as the truck driver In the left lane going slower than the car on the right

  • Feb 3, 2022
    2 replies

    yeah that s*** corny as hell

    we don’t even know if dude’s alive and they cheering “YESSS,” the f*** happened where people are filled with such vitriol against other human beings?

    dudes who drive like maniacs going 90+, diving between lanes, tailgating until someone lets them pass like they are in GTA are menaces. i see a******s like this so much in NY and CT. Truck driver evidently got fed up with this s*** and decided to dish out a little street justice!

  • Feb 3, 2022
    2 replies

    dudes who drive like maniacs going 90+, diving between lanes, tailgating until someone lets them pass like they are in GTA are menaces. i see a******s like this so much in NY and CT. Truck driver evidently got fed up with this s*** and decided to dish out a little street justice!

    If you think you should carry out vigilante justice in your 2000+ pound death machine while going 40+ mph then you are wrong no matter what the situation is

  • Feb 3, 2022
    1 reply

    dudes who drive like maniacs going 90+, diving between lanes, tailgating until someone lets them pass like they are in GTA are menaces. i see a******s like this so much in NY and CT. Truck driver evidently got fed up with this s*** and decided to dish out a little street justice!

    The 2 lane highways on the bottom of CT going towards NYC are prime spots for this

  • Feb 3, 2022

    If you think you should carry out vigilante justice in your 2000+ pound death machine while going 40+ mph then you are wrong no matter what the situation is

  • Feb 3, 2022

    If you think you should carry out vigilante justice in your 2000+ pound death machine while going 40+ mph then you are wrong no matter what the situation is

    not something i would ever do...but these a******s act like the road is their own personal racetrack

  • Feb 3, 2022

    Pettiness while driving will never make sense to me thats why I just stay in the right lane and let yall deal with the f***ery

  • Feb 3, 2022

    Imagine throwing your life away over road politics

  • Feb 3, 2022
    1 reply

    The 2 lane highways on the bottom of CT going towards NYC are prime spots for this

    yep exactly that, the hutch, 684, sawmill etc.
