Kanye or Drake?
One is a bipolar mentally disturbed individual with dangerous and reckless statements that degrade black culture and legacy, who supports and endorses a racist billionaire disgusting ass president and sells child-labour-sourced apparel for $500+ and is currently in the process of starting a cult.
The other is a creepy paedophile.
cool drake vs kanye thread you got there op
this is just KanyeVsDrakeToThe at this point
KVDTT not the catchiest title, unfortunately
cancel drake first, kanyes definitely greedy but hes suffering more than being malicious
cancel drake first, kanyes definitely greedy but hes suffering more than being malicious
i'm cancelling you
aubrey would fistfuck the first hoe he sees no matter her age, he is a disgusting sexual deviant grounded in pedophillic philosophy, send his ass to prison NOW
aubrey would fistfuck the first hoe he sees no matter her age, he is a disgusting sexual deviant grounded in pedophillic philosophy, send his ass to prison NOW
OP's one of the Nicki Minaj fans who planted that Drake story and tarnished the boy's good name
aubrey would fistfuck the first hoe he sees no matter her age, he is a disgusting sexual deviant grounded in pedophillic philosophy, send his ass to prison NOW
calm down
calm down
no, thats what they told the epstein accusers n i wont do that, i fight for whats right, and whats right is puttin that mf in prison. f*** aubrey n all his complacent supporters, theyd rather get good music n have people hurt than have no one harmed. disgusting.
Kanye or Drake?
One is a bipolar mentally disturbed individual with dangerous and reckless statements that degrade black culture and legacy, who supports and endorses a racist billionaire disgusting ass president and sells child-labour-sourced apparel for $500+ and is currently in the process of starting a cult.
The other is a creepy paedophile.
This drakes account? This s*** is hella biased
no, thats what they told the epstein accusers n i wont do that, i fight for whats right, and whats right is puttin that mf in prison. f*** aubrey n all his complacent supporters, theyd rather get good music n have people hurt than have no one harmed. disgusting.
Real for this one we cant keep letting them get away with this