Nah this the guy that inspired the thread.
His story is so sad cuz its like people egg him on to kill himself slowly. Wtf
Id honestly rather watch a horse take a s*** than vids like these
Dudes gotta be jacking off to this there’s no way you just chilling watching it all the way thru
i like watching them during ramadan when im fasting idk why
also love watching matt stonie
i dunno but sometimes seeing them eat foods i don’t usually eat is kinda nice because it makes me wanna cook
but i’ve only ever watched one or two in my life
I don't watch mukbangs but I always love watching cooking vids when I'm eating
I get that. I watch kenji or babish or chef john too cuz i like seeing masters at work
Bruh I don't even like the hearing the sound of people eat in REAL life, imagine actually watching this bullshit.
Then you got weird s*** like this where they actually show the living animals before they eat it
Then you got weird s*** like this where they actually show the living animals before they eat it
nope. nope. nope.
I might go vegan after this
I read online somewhere its popular with girls with eating disorders. Like its a way for them to eat vicariously s***s sad as f***
Nah this the guy that inspired the thread.
His story is so sad cuz its like people egg him on to kill himself slowly. Wtf
Id honestly rather watch a horse take a s*** than vids like these
Pretty sure it's all satire
If people take Nikocado or anything he or the people that watch him seriously they're dumb as bricks.
I always told myself if I wanted to end it all I'd eat til I died, but this pic makes me reconsider it because he survived.