real talk tho
will my music be successful?
i can't tell you, you've got to stay hungry yfm
When am I going to have to strength and courage to change my life? I feel like I've been stuck mentally and physically for the past 3 years
you can start this morning 🙏
Ask yourself, one day, or day one
Everytime I try, I fall back into my bad habits. I'm stuck
Fr. Bro ain't even read my future.
I'm doing real ashanti readings quote me if you want one
Please tell me what I wanna hear
bro ur being a d***head ur f***ing up the vibe. chill out lol
I can't allow you to prey on the good peoples of Ktt2 with your asake readings
Please tell me what I wanna hear
You're gonna be rich and f***ing on many women within 2 years.
You're gonna be rich and f***ing on many women within 2 years.
My dude
Providing the real alaskan readings
a farmer must feed his cattle. put in the appropriate capital and you will see success in your business. put in the appropriate time and you will become talented.
i can't in good faith tell you how to love.
You're gonna be rich and f***ing on many women within 2 years.
you ain’t gotta lie to him about the last part
you ain’t gotta lie to him about the last part
I feel like the first part guarantees the second part no?
Tell me my future
You’re currently going through life open with curiosity, you’re truly not sure where you want to be and are questioning yourself with which path you want to take. But, with curiosity, comes strength, as you will one day be, where you should be.
thank you
You’re currently in a place where you’re confused, something is holding you back but it’s hard for you to let go. Once you let go of what’s holding you back that’s when you’ll find what you’re looking for.
(It’s me, I’m what you’re looking for..)
real talk tho
will my music be successful?
Promise you just go as far as you can go, you'll be surprised
real talk tho
will my music be successful?
You’ve had a rough couple months and throughout the year, you’ve had self doubt. You think to yourself, if you should quit music and pursue something normal. You feel afraid of the outcome but also excited all together. You catch yourself being too excited of things that haven’t happened yet, you need to go back to your roots and find the true reason why you’re making music, forget the outcome, think of the music you’re making today. Once you’ve done that, you will be where you need to be.
You’re currently going through life open with curiosity, you’re truly not sure where you want to be and are questioning yourself with which path you want to take. But, with curiosity, comes strength, as you will one day be, where you should be.
Damn kind of interesting yet perplexed
One mo thing: What are the obstacles that hold me back and what will my future look like compared to now?