What can Travis do that Carti can’t
Looking from the perspective of his peers and how he’s valued in the industry, Carti can’t be enlisted to sing on hooks the way Travis is because Carti doesn’t sound nearly as good when he sings
A lot of great artists have a time in their career that they can point to where they were seen as the “guy” for features. Travis’ was definitely that 2016/2017 era. Not saying Carti doesn’t do great features, but he can’t be depended on to complete a song the way Travis is. Travis will completely change the structure of a song and add bridges and additional production while also being on the hook, while Carti will just give u a fun verse
Travis has a better discography to me right now
but Carti is still early in the game, he has a different ceiling
I think Travis has probably peaked in terms of trying new things, while Carti is more open minded
As a fan of Travis Scott, we in out heads already have an ideal "great" next album in mind but Carti continues to keep his fans guessing
Nigga carti is not early in the game he’s been around for 7 years now
Nigga carti is not early in the game he’s been around for 7 years now
only underground fans knew carti in 2015
Carti might have a better discography in the end because he’s been improving generally over time and travis has been getting worse
With that said, Rodeo is a lot better than WLR and I’d be surprised if Carti ever made a project better than it
Trav been in the game longer also a more diverse artist too
Plus Carti hasn't dropped anything as impactful or innovative as Rodeo
He has his baby voice
But Travis also got his adlibs on every tee stamped?
Plus Carti ain't got no damn classic anthem on the mainstream lvls of a Antidote, Goosebumps, Sicko Mode or Butterfly Effect yet even Stargazing
“as impactful or innovative as rodeo”
literally wlr
the entire underground sound rn is all wlr type beats
“as impactful or innovative as rodeo”
literally wlr
the entire underground sound rn is all wlr type beats
i agree that it will be travis but acting like WLR wasnt impactful or innovative is tone deaf
Carti is more creative.
Travis relies on other people too much so that is and will continue to be his downfall
OP clearly biased. Travis has 3 classics and is better. Travis also works with the goat Nav.
he said nav
Carti is more creative.
Travis relies on other people too much so that is and will continue to be his downfall
i agree. up to 2015 travis wouldve def was creative but after rodeo really has just taken antidote and ran that style dry