You can’t debate Nolan and Lee without race coming up . Lee is pivotal for soulful black movies
Fr ESPECIALLY not these two. Lee’s films are black as hell and Nolan’s are white as hell
lmao see now you playin too
Lock thread ( I’m not even a spike Lee diehard lol)
Nolan has gotten consistently worse ever since Dark Knight
Whew we cooking
So it went off topic in a racial direction therefore you can cop out and make YOUR directing debate about writing??? Ok I guess if it makes sense to you
omg...are u having a normal one today ? lol
topic got derailed by using race as derailment. therefore to stay on topic more than the ppl (including you) who are derailing, i brought up writers, ya kno, those pp essential to making a movie. you know whats NOT essential to making any movie ever? race.
Nolan has gotten consistently worse ever since Dark Knight
TUH. Tell these mfs
Fr ESPECIALLY not these two. Lee’s films are black as hell and Nolan’s are white as hell
/end thread
Fr ESPECIALLY not these two. Lee’s films are black as hell and Nolan’s are white as hell
you actually can debate it you just have to be older than 17 or not have formed your worldview based solely on race
omg...are u having a normal one today ? lol
topic got derailed by using race as derailment. therefore to stay on topic more than the ppl (including you) who are derailing, i brought up writers, ya kno, those pp essential to making a movie. you know whats NOT essential to making any movie ever? race.
Ay folk soon you going to have to post hand
Nolan has gotten consistently worse ever since Dark Knight
IMAGINE truly thinking this.
Even Dark Knight has issues people skip over
Its main issue of being a snoozefest