Why are you confused that he has fan boys
Cause some people would see this comparison and just be like “ I f*** with them both for different reasons “ y’all are like “ f*** Nolan “
The “Nolan could direct Malcolm X easily” take is really blowing me. Like nigga have you seen Malcolm X, do you even know what makes that movie what it is?
To answer your question for OP, no.
You consider that being fake gay? Interesting, you on a roll today
You talking about spike Lee d*** with a horse emoji
Using tenet as proof of character development is wild
wasnt. was using it as proof of having a black character which apparently was the benchmark they needed.
He ain’t comfortable with himself yet
Nah being comfortable with self isn’t being fake gay just be you
Spike Lee & Denzel Washington also a better directer-actor duo than Christopher Nolan & Christian Bale.
well duh. nolan movies still better tho
wasnt. was using it as proof of having a black character which apparently was the benchmark they needed.
There’s no way your dead ass and not baiting
Spike films better, dresses better, s*** he could prolly fight better too, and he dates better looking women if we hopping into that cock watching bag fr.
Nolan just can't hang!
this is the craziest response so far.
yall gotta pick up the pace
Cause some people would see this comparison and just be like “ I f*** with them both for different reasons “ y’all are like “ f*** Nolan “
I actually didn’t say f*** Nolan, I actually didn’t see anyone say f*** Nolan. We’re mostly confused by OP saying a pasty snowflake who’s not even American, could direct a biopic about one of the most important black Americans to black history…
I actually didn’t say f*** Nolan, I actually didn’t see anyone say f*** Nolan. We’re mostly confused by OP saying a pasty snowflake who’s not even American, could direct a biopic about one of the most important black Americans to black history…
Oh he wrong there but he really just clueless or baiting
Nah a Christopher Nolan version of Bamboozled would be insane now that I think about it
You talking about spike Lee d*** with a horse emoji
Yeah if you read the post I replied to I was going along with the joke he started.
Reading comprehension.
Also! Bamboozled, another great film by Spike, I dare OP to say Nolan could direct THAT. Nolan would be cancelled so quick.
yeah. hed be canceled by dorks in this thread who truly believe you cant compare these DIRECTORS because one is black and the other is not
Not you suggesting a writers room and producers could replicate Malcolm X
Rooster shooter said “ if I can’t have a Snyder op I’m going to make the most dogshit thread possible “ and he cooking