bolt had 8 olympic golds 11 world championship golds and world records in 3 events he didn't have the least impressive career lol
so the real answer is tiger woods then
LeBron he was supposed to pass Jordan by now but at this point I think his legacy has peaked as high as it will. Jordan is still the GOAT to the majority and no one has come close
There’s obviously a narrative here. No other athlete on this list plays the same sport except Bron and Jordan. It’s specifically meant to single one out as lesser.
so the real answer is tiger woods then
Tiger Woods is to golf what Jordan is to basketball why wouldn't you consider that impressive? No one else in golf will have a legacy like his for decades
Need them to remove LeBron. Jordan being there makes it easy to pick him
Hes gonna be the leading scorer oat when he retires makes jordans numbers look like s*** lmao
The answer is usain or tiger cuz like nobody cares
Hes gonna be the leading scorer oat when he retires makes jordans numbers look like s*** lmao
ok and ? kareem was the leading scorer before him why wasnt he considered better than jordan ?
There’s obviously a narrative here. No other athlete on this list plays the same sport except Bron and Jordan. It’s specifically meant to single one out as lesser.
Should've put Novak Djokovic or Michael Schumacher or sum s***.
ok and ? kareem was the leading scorer before him why wasnt he considered better than jordan ?
Kareem IS better than jordan
Jordans just the casuals #1
Theres like 10 players above him
Should've put Novak Djokovic or Michael Schumacher or sum s***.
I choose Novak Djokovic @op
There’s obviously a narrative here. No other athlete on this list plays the same sport except Bron and Jordan. It’s specifically meant to single one out as lesser.
they could have put michael phelps or mayweather
even serena could’ve been in there
I mean let’s be honest golf is a game, not a sport. Tiger is more comparable to Ninja and Tfue than these athletes.
out of all them prob tom brady too be fair
How though?
I’m British and in awe of Brady’s achievements the manner in which he’s made comebacks, his clutch, 7 rings, the longevity a Super Bowl at 43
How though?
I’m British and in awe of Brady’s achievements the manner in which he’s made comebacks, his clutch, 7 rings, the longevity a Super Bowl at 43
prob my bias i never f***ed wit american football like that, i think the others got a better come up story and i view them more as legendary personally
Kareem IS better than jordan
Jordans just the casuals #1
Theres like 10 players above him
Nah not having Jordan top ten is insane