🤔break it down for me
Probably niggas like che, tana and then Carti/YB/Lucki
make music u genuinely enjoy, not music u think others will like.
This sounds good but nah. Lmaoo us pretending this is a thing is why someone like Lucki acts like xaviersobased is good instead of just being honest and saying he co signing a popular young nigga to not look washed lol
F1lthy is like 30 and is the main innovator of the Yeat/Ken Carson/opium soundscape
Sadly have to force yourself to find a lane in the new era (even if you don’t fw the music that much) or you’re washed and left behind as you enter your thirties. It’s been the rule and we aren’t gonna be exempt just because our generation kinda started that rule lol. This is the differentiator between people who got declared as washed vs Future or Kanye who are finna be 50 and still respected and revered by the youth
But I definitely wish what you were saying was true
To stay tapped in to new music? Maybe I look at it diff cause I make beats
Imagine people in their mid 20’s a decade ago doing this to Keef Carti Uzi etc lol
And yes your mind is weird if you see a thread like this and instantly think about grooming children
Subtly imply @op is a p3d0/child groomer and then post some random internet humor s*** like this to deflect from going down the rabbithole of you actually being the weird one if your mind instantly going to grooming children when he asks for who the top 3 rappers are according to young niggas. Niiiice
Also why is that s*** animated so well/the subtleties in the voice acting. I’d unironically watch a whole crime movie/show like that lmaooo
Subtly imply @op is a p3d0/child groomer and then post some random internet humor s*** like this to deflect from going down the rabbithole of you actually being the weird one if your mind instantly going to grooming children when he asks for who the top 3 rappers are according to young niggas. Niiiice
its called a f***ing joke dude have you ever heard of that
rich amiri
homixide gang
nettspend more popular online than in real life currently, same with xavier
Just look what they posting on the leak site I’m pretty sure most of them are that age
this sounds suspect
why do we care what teenagers like?
i mean i for one was about 16 when i came on this site
Just look what they posting on the leak site I’m pretty sure most of them are that age
did a new one come up the previous one doesn’t work for me