  • Dec 10, 2021
    2 replies

    By regular people I meant somebody who isn’t God’s son

    in The Bible Jesus directly is mentioned as part of Adam's descendance who was created by God to imply Jesus is God's Son

    so by heritage we're all God's children, the difference with Jesus is the Seed, the Virgin Mother and His sinless life plus the fact He rose from the dead

    you probly know all this already but jus sayin...Jesus was not 50% God 50% human, He's 100% both

  • Dec 10, 2021
    Beautiful Morning


    True rockstar

  • Dec 10, 2021
    Beautiful Morning


    This, whether or not you believe in him his name is universal and you would be extremely pressed to find someone who doesn’t know him.

  • Dec 10, 2021
    1 reply

    By regular people I meant somebody who isn’t God’s son

    Christianity is b******ization of that concept. Jesus wasn't preaching HE was the son of God. He was preaching that WE are all the son of God and that the soul of life as a human is directly a part of the God of the universe. The Atman to the universal Brahman.

  • Dec 10, 2021

    There certainly aren't factual historical records that he existed.

    The whole Jesus story is an exact allegory of the Sun found in many other religions too, so you can't say for sure he was an actual person, or if there was that the actual person was anything like the stories told of him.

    How do you handle this verse here, it's contradictory to what you're saying about Jesus and Sun worship?

    Deut 4:19, This is God telling Israel not to worship anything but Him.

    And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun, the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, you feel driven to worship them and serve them, which the LORD your God has given to all the peoples under the whole heaven as a heritage.

    What's being said is that: every nation that isn't of God, worships these celestial bodies. Our major holidays "Christmas and Easter" are key examples of that. That's why Astrology exists amongst other things...

    What you're stating is a HALF TRUTH.

    When it comes to the sun worship, that deals with the winter solstice something that you can never find in the Bible. If you can find that Jesus was born on December 25th, I'll cash app you $500 rn. If u learn about the Feast of Tabernacles, you might learn why Jesus' parents were outside in a Manger. That's in September sometimes October. It's an 8 day Holy Feast where you stay in booths, hotels, tents etc. Hence why Jesus was born in a manger.

    Christmas, Easter and every celestial worship is the heritage of the EVERY non-Israelite nation. This has been transformed into modern day religions which have NOTHING to do with the Bible, the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God.

    You're speaking about Nimrod and Tammuz. Nimrod was born on Dec 25th and when he died, his son Tammuz was born in his place. That's who modern day religion worships, hence why the Bible itself calls the end times "Mystery Babylon" because people are under the delusion that Christmas is about Jesus.

    Nimrod is known as Gilgamesh, Marduk, Ba'al, Zeus, Jupiter, Orion, Belus, Osiris etc. Today, we know him as Lucifer and the god of Freemasonry.

    Easter is about Nimrods wife Ishtar, the Bible calls her 'The Queen of Heaven, Venus and Astarte' In freemasonry, it's called "The Order of the Eastern Star" The eastern star is about the star Sirius. Sirius, in Egypt Ishtar is known as Sopdet and Isis. Isis is Osiris' wife just like Ishtar to Nimrod. Osiris' constellation is Orion.

    As for Tammuz, even the bible calls out people worshipping him Ezekiel 8:13-15. That verse is calling out people that do Lent and bake Easter cakes for Tammuz and Ishtar.

  • Dec 10, 2021
    4 replies

    Oh my frkn god it's obviously McDonald

  • Dec 10, 2021
    honey beats

    Oh my frkn god it's obviously McDonald

    McDonald's operates more than 36,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries around the world

  • Dec 10, 2021


  • Dec 10, 2021
    1 reply
    honey beats

    Oh my frkn god it's obviously McDonald

    mcdonald a person ?

  • Dec 10, 2021

    mcdonald a person ?

    Ronald McDonald 😎

  • Dec 10, 2021
    Beautiful Morning


  • Dec 10, 2021
    3 replies

    jesus superman and michael jackson

  • Dec 10, 2021
    1 reply
    honey beats

    Oh my frkn god it's obviously McDonald

    I remember that movie Super Size Me they ran a face recognition test on some kids and they recognized Ronald McDonald more than Jesus

  • Dec 10, 2021

    I remember that movie Super Size Me they ran a face recognition test on some kids and they recognized Ronald McDonald more than Jesus

    Here we go!

  • Dec 10, 2021

    jesus superman and michael jackson

  • Dec 10, 2021


  • Dec 10, 2021


  • Dec 10, 2021
    1 reply

    My stepmom didn’t know who hitler was so no

  • Dec 10, 2021
    1 reply
    NBA GameBoy

    My stepmom didn’t know who hitler was so no

    Thats wild news to break

  • Dec 10, 2021
    babylon sherm

    Thats wild news to break

    She also didn’t know what a maiden name was and she says “labtop” and “wifive”
    I love her tho hope she never sees this post or I’m out of the will

  • Dec 10, 2021
    Beautiful Morning


    Only answer frfr

  • Dec 10, 2021

    political people

    one of my friends was from Ethiopia and I remember back in 2015 he was asking me wtf was going on here with Trump LOL

    athletes prob cause i'm american, i don't give af about soccer at all and i know who messi, ronaldo and neymar are

    music ppl like michael jackson, tupac

    prolly some science ppl like einstein

  • Dec 10, 2021

    Obv Jesus lmao

  • Dec 10, 2021
    honey beats

    Jordan or Jackson that’s a real hard question

    Take into account MJs music is slowly dying in younger crowd whereas Jordan’s shoes are getting more hype then ever

    People pre like 1930 had no idea about MJ but they knew Jesus

  • Dec 10, 2021
    1 reply
    honey beats

    You know someone who has absolutely zero idea about him?

    Anyone who died pre 1900 had no idea who Hitler was. But they probably heard about Jesus
