You don't know what the f*** we've tried with this nigga, he doesn't want to change. If you think Im worse than what's listed above you should get your brain tumor checked out.
Ok dr Lein nigga ur name literally sounds like a d*** u been sipping too much of that drank I assume; that’s the problem with u f***s in society giving up on ur family too easy after one too many f*** ups u don’t think ur bro is not trying his best u moron u need get hit with a reality check life don’t come easy every nigga struggles with inner demons for ur brother he could be goin thru s*** that can’t easily be rectified instead of helping the cause u laughing and putting ur brothers shortcoming on the spotlight for others to laugh at his misery and mishaps for what… ktt views and likes u a foul ass nigga bruh imagine ur brother seeing this u a terrible excuse of a brother
dam op for a second i thought u were my best friend cuz his brother was on the same s*** but he's like 31 now. while he was working for his dads fire safety company he embezzled like 30-40k and spent it all on opiates and now he's homeless shooting up
I guess these types of people more common than I imagine.
Ok dr Lein nigga ur name literally sounds like a d*** u been sipping too much of that drank I assume; that’s the problem with u f***s in society giving up on ur family too easy after one too many f*** ups u don’t think ur bro is not trying his best u moron u need get hit with a reality check life don’t come easy every nigga struggles with inner demons for ur brother he could be goin thru s*** that can’t easily be rectified instead of helping the cause u laughing and putting ur brothers shortcoming on the spotlight for others to laugh at his misery and mishaps for what… ktt views and likes u a foul ass nigga bruh imagine ur brother seeing this u a terrible excuse of a brother
U sound stupid I'm not even gon read the rest of that
Ok dr Lein nigga ur name literally sounds like a d*** u been sipping too much of that drank I assume; that’s the problem with u f***s in society giving up on ur family too easy after one too many f*** ups u don’t think ur bro is not trying his best u moron u need get hit with a reality check life don’t come easy every nigga struggles with inner demons for ur brother he could be goin thru s*** that can’t easily be rectified instead of helping the cause u laughing and putting ur brothers shortcoming on the spotlight for others to laugh at his misery and mishaps for what… ktt views and likes u a foul ass nigga bruh imagine ur brother seeing this u a terrible excuse of a brother
lmao f*** you dummy you sound like a prime enabler
U sound stupid I'm not even gon read the rest of that
Dr lein sippin on the lean ass go help ur brother u Cain ass nigga
I guess these types of people more common than I imagine.
yeah my bro was the same way
dudes prob homeless now but he put me and my family through the worst s*** in the world almost permanently ruined us i feel your pain dude
lmao f*** you dummy you sound like a prime enabler
Nigga he IS the bum. Probably trynna sell his mama kidney as we speak rn
lmao f*** you dummy you sound like a prime enabler
Yeah I’m was fixing to agree with him but I’m 100% an enabler
I guess these types of people more common than I imagine.
scumbags abound unfortunately
Ok dr Lein nigga ur name literally sounds like a d*** u been sipping too much of that drank I assume; that’s the problem with u f***s in society giving up on ur family too easy after one too many f*** ups u don’t think ur bro is not trying his best u moron u need get hit with a reality check life don’t come easy every nigga struggles with inner demons for ur brother he could be goin thru s*** that can’t easily be rectified instead of helping the cause u laughing and putting ur brothers shortcoming on the spotlight for others to laugh at his misery and mishaps for what… ktt views and likes u a foul ass nigga bruh imagine ur brother seeing this u a terrible excuse of a brother
you’re a f***ing idiot
Instead of talking s*** behind a screen could’ve done ur part in counselling him losing hope in someone like ur family is the worst possible thing u can do
preach brother
you’re a f***ing idiot
U an opp shut ur b**** ass up
nah but op should try to help his bro instead of s***ting on him on ktt2
thehills has a point op ur scum
U an opp shut ur b**** ass up
Sitting in your basement talking about your fake opps you’re a cornball
U an opp shut ur b**** ass up
If your significant other cheated on you would you take them back?
Sitting in your basement talking about your fake opps you’re a cornball
Hahahaha living in mamas basement u using elementary school disses do better kid
you’re a f***ing idiot
brother your whole accounts personality is faking being a Tobacco giant
If your significant other cheated on you would you take them back?
No she for the streets and I wouldn’t wife in the first place what kinda stupid question is this
brother your whole accounts personality is faking being a Tobacco giant